Monday, October 4, 2010

3 magical years - the celebration!

Now that you know our story, let me tell you about our celebration.  This year with the impending arrival of our baby boy in just three short months, we decided to stay local for our anniversary celebration and do something relaxing right here in downtown Denver!  Andy's work awarded him a gift card to Maggiano's and we thought Italian food sounded perfect for our night. 

Two years ago when we were preparing to celebrate our first wedding anniversary, we discussed what precedent we wanted to start concerning gifts.  Do we go the traditional route and purchase items for each other based on the traditional gift for that year?  Do we follow the modern route?  Do our own thing?  After much discussion, we decided it would be way more fun for both of us to celebrate our anniversaries not through gifts but through experiences shared together... oh and with personalized cards for each other, too. 

For our first anniversary we were living in Alexandria, VA so we went to this nice local restaurant in Old Town Alexandria, got a couples massage that afternoon, and stayed in a beautiful boutique hotel near the restaurant.  Great experience!   

For our second anniversary we were on our fabulous Europe trip and spent the day visiting Cambridge, England (where Joy studied abroad) and had scones with clotted cream for brunch, toured Kings' College Chapel, went punting on the romantic River Cam, and had a wonderful dinner in the favorite Indian restaurant Joy had frequented 8 years prior.  So incredible!

This year our downtown excursion started early when Andy surprised me by taking a half day off work to spend the afternoon with me!  He walked in with a beautiful card, my favorite peanut butter M&Ms, and later delivered the most exquisite autumn bouquet of roses.  Aren't I the luckiest?!  We then drove downtown to enjoy a delicious meal at Maggiano's (Thanks to Uncle Ray(theon)!) followed by a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride along 16th Street Mall!  It was a magical evening.  The stars were out. The air was crisp with the hint of fall.  Sixteenth Street was alive and well with pianos sitting out at each block for people to play at their leisure.  Outside Maggiano's the shopping area was adorned with white twinkle lights crisscrossed overhead.  Conversation was delightful and the company was perfect! :-)  I love you, Andy Getz!


  1. “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” ~Judy Garland
    Happy Anniversary, you crazy lovbirds!
